Thursday, April 08, 2010


Folks,, we seem to be slipping on that traditional slope. Can it be that when we move past 80 revisiting the shared days of youth no longer holds meaning? It is now just about 63 years since we proudly walked out of those PAHS doors but the remaining 'we' appear to be drifting apart.

Personally. it would be a joy to re-gather to share for a brief period, but it may be that this is not a consensus idea and I don't want to seem to force the matter. There would still be time to get something together for this year and that would also allow us to consider what we want to do in 2012 for our 65th. However, it is unrealistic to start plans if only a few people care enough to commit to taking part.

I would like to invite you to join the class blog and join a conversation about PAHS47 as this is an easy way to share our thinking and even do some updating. It is here for our use so let's use it. If you are not yet signed to participate please let me know and I'll get you aboard.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

On Bink and more

Nothing new from Dave on Bink. He indicated he would let me know of any change in status but things are quiet.

Talked to Tinney and he is checking out the rumor that Ruthmary has finally opted out of work, given up her long-time home and has moved back to Pen Argyl.

Don Abbott said he had to go back into the hospital but he is out, though he can't do much walking. Kathy and Bruce are getting together with Norma and Don tomorrow (Dec 7th) for dinner. First we are all going to a sort of art show where Gin's granddaughter will be showing her designs. Gin will also be on hand there in Bethlehem.

Most important. Bruce is bottling the new wines. There is a Pinot Grigio - as good as the one you had a Split Rock; a Pinto Noir, a Burgundy, a Syrah and the new ChardonMay.

We could do a lot of sharing more easily if more of us would join this blog. How about it?????

Friday, November 02, 2007

Hey Gang, Let's share

How about taking part in this Website and sharing what's happening in your life or that of the other classmates you know? It costs you nothing and I would be delighted to send an invitation (which you will need in order to write here) if I have not already done so.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

On the Reunion

For the most part there was a feeling that our 60th was different and maybe better than most reunions have been. Much of that was created by the 'return to the classroom' format. The presentations by the volunteer members (and that spouse guy) were excellent and captured attention. The nostalgia quizes and the surveys were also new and took us back, even though some of the people can't remember s***. In many ways, this proved quite different than the traditional sitting around tables in small cliques, eating, maybe a little dancing and bragging about kids and grandkids. Of course, we always need some time to talk about our health problems.
Do you think it might be a good idea to talk to the high school and share some of the things we did and encourage them to take a role in future reunions? Our 'return to the classroom' might be even better if we actually went back to the school to do it. What do you think?

Monday, June 04, 2007

Moving Ahead

The 60th reunion is well along in planning and there is adequate interest to complete the arrangements with Split Rock. A lot has to be done to solidify the activities forWednesday but it now looks like most of the activity will begin around noon. If you have ideas or want to play a part in the planning, please call Bruce

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Are we done?

We seem to be spinning our wheels or maybe we are just too old. It does not seem that anyone really cares about planning for our 60th later this year. Some great folks left us since our last big gathering in 2002 and they will be missed. However, if we are to do something this year we had better start working on it soon. I will help but do not think I can do it alone. Let me know what you think and if you will help.

Oh yeah! this could be a good exchange if you will simply use it. Let me know and I'll send you an invite and you can give us your two cents.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

And a Great Time.....

Yes it was a wonderful day and we all had a fine meal and lots of fellowship and sharing. We took the time to have each class member share a little of his/her life and bring us up-to-date. My God! are we getting to be an old bunch?

Our special joy was having several of our regular old 'no shows' on hand for the festivities. There was Mary Nichols and Doris May and then in came Wanda with her lovely daughter Lori. Just such a neat time.

Another election (Ha!) and the same old gang was slammed right back into office. Bruce, JimmyDick and Shifty ~~~ won't you folks ever learn? Of course, the big issue was the 60th next year and that was kicked around with the several ideas proposed in the Blog. We formed a Reunion Committee with Ruth Herd Beck as chair, joined by Reta, Norma, Nancy, Jimmy, Heyden and Dick Williams. Did I leave anyone out? Hey,,,, there's lots of room for volunteers so I'll be glad to add your name. Yes, there is another name to go here because, as president, I'd like to have strong impact from the ex-pats in Florida. Therefore Shifty will work with Reta to insure the interests of the southern contingent of PAHS47.